Wednesday 22 May 2024

Snippets Playground Challenge

Hi there, 
todays card is for the Snippets playground challenge where Miss Di and Sarn encourage everyone to use up all the snippets and offcuts from previous cards.
Here's what I used (mostly from my previous card):

and here's my card:

Now there is a tale to tell with this card!
 I started off with an unbranded die from Amazon and as I've had trouble in the past with sticking down intricate dies I though that I would try using a sheet of 'Stick it' adhesive. Well after reading the instructions I managed to put the sheet on the wrong side of the mint coloured card - TWICE!!! 😖rather than waste the die cut I stuck the two pieces together to give it some more dimension and because the adhesive was also on the top piece I decided to cover it in glamour dust glitter. After all that faffing I couldn't be bothered to die cut another piece so I just stick it to my base card with a glue pen! But I suppose it was a bit of a happy accident because I quite like the look of it 😊 I finished the card off with some Stampin Up gems and managed to step away from the card - no Glossy Accents or the kitchen sink!

I can see me using this die for lot's of different cards and colour combinations but hopefully next time I will put the Stick It sheet on the right way!

Thanks for visiting my blog today and please leave me a comment if you do!



  1. Lovely die and pretty snippets you’ve used with it. Sorry to hear about the Stick It woes but your perseverance paid off.

    Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. Xxx

  2. How wonderful to see you in the Playground Eve! I seriously love this card - the Stick It seems like a happy accident to me. Love the design and soft/gentle colours of snippets you used.

    Di xx


Hi there,
thanks for stoppin' by.
I'd love to receive a comment to prove that I'm not talking to myself!
Eve x

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